Portugaliae monumenta cartographica lisboa 1960 volume 3
Portugaliae monumenta cartographica lisboa 1960 volume 3

portugaliae monumenta cartographica lisboa 1960 volume 3

III with 148 plates (10 in color) with works by cartographers of the second half of the sixteenth century, most which are of the atlases of Fernão Vaz Dourado plus works by: Luís Teixeira, Bartolomeu Lasso, Duarte Lopes, and Cipriano Sanches Vilavicêncio. II with 143 plates (10 in color), containing specimens from the second half of the sixteenth century until the 1580’s more than half the plates here reproduce works that are signed by Diogo Homem (or assigned to him) and eight other cartographers are included: André Homem, Fernando Alvares Seco, Bartolomeu Velho, Lázaro Luís, Domingos Teixeira, Luís Jorge de Barbuda, and two anonymous cartographers. Volume I with 97 plates (10 in color) containing all known earliest examples of Portuguese cartography from the end of the fifteenth century to the middle of the sixteenth century, including: the Cantino planisphere of 1502, the Reinel (Pedro & Jorge) charts, Francisco Rodrigues' Book, and works by D. Important and scholarly cartography reference profusely illustrated with exceedingly rare and interesting Portuguese maps and charts, originally published in 1960 in Lisbon. 14x10¼, publisher's gilt-stamped and lettered maroon leatherette. Illustrated with nearly 650 plates from facsimile maps, charts, drawings, paintings, engravings, etc., many of which are in color or sepia-tone each with a color frontispiece (except Index/Supplement Volume). Introduction by Alfredo Pinheiro Marques. With parallel Portuguese and English text throughout.6 volumes. The title page in Volumes I-V states: Comissão Executiva das Comemorações do V Centenario da Morte do Infante D. VI is the Index / Supplement volume, containing 6 plates not found in the original edition plus other new materials and text, lists of plates, indexes of illustrations for each volume, alphabetical and chronological lists of known Portuguese cartographers and their works, addenda and errata, etc. V with 127 plates (7 in color) with some earlier works, but chiefly seventeenth-century cartographers. IV with 131 plates (10 in color), dealing primarily with cartographers of the first half of the seventeenth century, including: Sebastião Lopes, Manuel de Mesquita Perestrelo, Pero Magalhães de Gandavo, Pedro de Lemos, Manuel Godinho de Erédia, João Baptista Lavanha, João Teixeira Albernaz, and Pedro Teixeira Albernaz.

portugaliae monumenta cartographica lisboa 1960 volume 3 portugaliae monumenta cartographica lisboa 1960 volume 3

Portugaliae monumenta cartographica lisboa 1960 volume 3